Sabtu, 04 April 2015


A:  hello, good morning. How are you today B and C?
B:  hello good morning. Great, and you A?
C:  why?
A:  i still don't understand the lesson.
B:  I see. What makes you confused?
A:  I don't know about the planets.
C:  OK. We will explain it to you.
B:  there are 8 planets. It starts from mercury until Neptune.
C: also some planets have special form and name.
A: what is it?
B: mercury is honest planet. Venus is blue planet.
C: earth is our home. The red planet is Mars.
B: Jupiter is the biggest one. Saturn has a beautiful ring.
A: Uranus and Neptune are the coldest planets. And twin planet.
B and C:  you are right?
A: OK. Thanks for your help.
B: you are welcome.
C: never mind.

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